Friday, June 5, 2009

Dreaded Diseases

Malaria...Typhoid...All just a part of life here in Lugazi, Uganda.
So a few weeks ago, one of the Andrew's (there's two here) was diagnosed with Malaria. Then yesterday, three people who keep getting SUPER sick, Becca, Shaun, and Drew, went to the doctor. All three were diagnosed with Malaria, and Becca a slight case of typhoid. Ridiculous! So...Melissa and Kristen last night highly recommended each of us go to the doctor to get tested. It was a little scary because ...well...they are sticking NEEDLES into our BLOOD in the middle of Africa. I don't know if you all realize but the chances of getting HIV...very high. But, the doctor is Dr. Nyombi who is practiced in western medicine and a very trustworthy doctor, so...we all are spending an hour of our day here in the doctors office.
I went this morning and incredibly, I didn't pass out (I always pass out). I am clear of Malaria, but I have TYPHOID............................................
BAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. No I'm not joking. I'm completely serious but for some reason it is so funny to me. Don't worry I'll start taking medication soon. But parents, you had better call me today. If I die while I'm here, I'd better at least get to talk to ya'll on the phone one more time.
So...I have to go. That is all I have to say. But...I love you all, and happy typhoiding!
P.s. This test is legit...many people have turned up negative as


  1. Dani... I love reading about your adventures! I had Typhoid in Ecuador, and they didn't catch it for several weeks-- I ended up with a 104 fever and delirious in an Ecuadorian hospital for 3 days! It was horrible, but it does make for a great story! Your adventures bring back so many memories for me. I am sooo glad you are doing this. You will NEVER be the same again. You are growing so much. Isn't it amazing to realize how truly blessed we are here??? So many people on this earth live in poverty and pain... we are so blessed. Anyway... keep writing... we all love you so much and are so proud of You!!!
    Love always... Aunt Heidi

  2. P.S. Amy is in "Little Miss Mt Pleasant" tonight (isn't that a kick) and she wants you to know she's doing a dance to her favorite song... The Climb!

  3. Heidi! I tal;ked to myu mom the other day and she told me about that! Haha, that is crazy! Yheah I don't have too many bad side effects, I just feel tired all the time and have a headache. But no deliriousness yet haha. Tell Amy she is so awesome and I hope she did great!Q! I Want to hear all about it! And THE CLIMB! Miley Cyrus rocks. Tell Amy I just bought her a present on saturday and I got the rest of the stuff for the fam too and I'm so excited to give it to you in august! SSSPOOOOOOOOOO good to hear from you!! Love you! P.s. I have your note you gave me with all the mother theresa quotes on by bed so I see it all the time :)

  4. DANI! I'm so jealous that you get to be in Africa!! Did you not get vaccinated for typhoid before heading over there?? I'm taking the pills for it right now because I'm spending fall semester in Chile :) Sounds like you're having an amazing time!! Get better quick :)
    --Paige White
