Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hong Yun

There are these mini cake things...made by Hong Yun...and they're really good. We worship Hong Yun...who ever that is. is crazy. Literally insane.I am trying to do four tasks this week...
1. Record as much footage as possible for a documentary we are making. This is the last week we'll have a chance to make it with our camera man.
2. Create the biggest event ever to happen in Lugazi. It is called, "YOUTH MEGA FESTIVAL 2009" And will take place this saturday.
3. Help out with other projects in our extra time...which we don't really we just fake it and help them as much as humanly possible.
4. Create the biggest fireside the Mormons in Uganda have ever take place one week from this saturday.

Life is hectic.

I have been at the Eye clinic for the past two days. And like none of the volunteers want to come because it is such a difficult project, so it has been little numbers trying to organize. The eye clinic is in Lugazi now and is doing dozens of surgery each day to help restore sight to these people. Majority of them have cataracts. What I do is organize the 150-200 people who need to be screened, then I screen them, then I organize them to see the doctor. It's a lot harder than it sounds. I am exhausted. But, it is so rewarding. People are constantly coming up and using the little english they know to try and tell me how grateful they are. Sometimes people even hug us. This was all Ryan's idea and he has done an incredible job of organizing it. It has impacted so many's just amazing. The old people are so cute I can't even handle it.
Funny story: So there's a guy who works at the hospital named Amos. The first week we were here, we toured Kowolo hospital and I met him...he's like...a volunteer there...every day. So everyone has told me that every time they have been back, Amos asks for me. But I didn't even remember who he was...and I haven't been back to the hospital since. Let me give you an idea of this guy...he is so freakin awesome. So...he looks like a black version of Mr. Clean, and he sounds like the big guy on Princess Bride with the "duh" voice...or like he could be the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk. he is a big guy men are so short here...but not him. He's tall. So I saw him for the first time since the beginning of may on Monday. He talked to me for a while and I remembered who he was. Then he told me he had a shirt for me. ...Um..Okay! Haha. So he gave me this Ugandan Red Cross T-shirt and told me that it is to protect me. So wherever I go now, I will be safe. Thank you Amos.
Did I write about interviewing orphans? I don't think so. I'll write it quickly. So Monday we went and interviewed some orphans for the documentary. They were super cute, but there was one especially that broke my heart. We went up to where the plantation workers live. Lugazi is famous for it's sugar and there are sugar-cane plantations all through-out Lugazi and surrounding the entire village. So...we went up to some of the houses by Mehta stadium and there was this family that we interviewed. Apparently, the eldest daughter, about 3 years ago, heard some crying on the porch very very early and they found this few month old baby on the steps. It was a boy and they named him Innocent, Inno for short. They took him in since the parents had just left him there. They invited us into this house. Oh. My. Gosh. The house was literally not even six feet by six feet in area. They had a small couch with the cushins all ripped up and two foam matteresses that were...disgusting. There are THIRTEEN PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN THIS ROOM. THIRTEEN. THAT IS THEIR ENTIRE HOME...KITCHEN, BEDROOM, EVERYTHING. And when I asked the girl how they can afford food for all of the children...she started to cry. She said they just sleep. If they don't have food, they go to sleep, and hope for a better day the next day.
How can people not do something about this?
Love, Dani

1 comment:

  1. Dani,yes many people are readying your blog. I had three people (who shall remain mentionless since it would be a violation of their first amendment rights to list their names here without their permission) told me yesterday how much they enjoy following your blog. They just don't know how to post a only took my three days to figure out how to post and a call to Bonnie for help. By the way, Bonnie we love you and have missed you this summer. I met with Marilyn this morning we are doing a fundraiser in August and you are the guest speaker...surprise! We also want you to put together a 3-minute DVD presentation of Uganda and Learning from Within take some pictures!

    Love, Mom

    Love, Mom
